An issue that has garnered opposition to the proposed pipeline among the residents of Nelson and Augusta Counties is the use of eminent domain to acquire the land necessary for the pipeline. The survey had two ways of collecting data on the topic of Eminent Domain: 1) Asking if respondents support eminent domain for a private company and 2) asking the opinions on uses for eminent domain that may constitute public value, such as highways, natural gas pipelines, drinking water pipelines, government buildings, sewage lines, cable, and internet.
When asked about the use of eminent domain for private corporations, the majority of survey takers believed eminent domain should not be used for private companies. The second question revealed that a majority of respondents approved of eminent domain for highways, drinking water pipes, and sewage pipes, while respondents disapproved of its use for natural gas pipelines, government buildings, cable, and internet.
Approval for use of Eminent Domain for various projects. Confidence intervals were greater than 95% for survey results.
Survey Topic: What uses constitute public value?
Question: Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements.
I am in favor of using eminent domain for: Drinking water pipelines / Sewage pipelines / Highway construction / Internet / Cable television / Government buildings / Natural gas pipeline